West End Bike Blitz
Last week, Toronto Police Services 11 Division sent out an email regarding a week-long bicycle safety blitz starting today. The blitz covers various parts of 11 Division, including The Junction, High Park, Roncesvalles, and Bloor West Village.
Pedal Power vehicle not "unsafe"
I was sent this link this afternoon, which is of a human powered vehicle, essentially a four wheeled bike that was once a Buick Regal.
Back on Oct 25, 2007 Toronto Police Const. Derek Walsh ticketed Dean Baldwin, who was the driver of the vehicle at the time, with driving a vehicle that was "Not even close to being legal."
Bike Cops
Toronto Police: 2008 Traffic Issues Survey
Toronto Police Services have a new 2008 Traffic Issues Survey online.
TPS: Operation Safe Commute
Monday morning update: TPS now has a press release online, in PDF format.
This email arrived on Friday January 25th via the Toronto Police Service 14th Division mailing list:
No, it's not OK for them to ride on the sidewalks
I just came back from the 22 division's police station. I went there to have my complaint heard. Staff sergeant Glen Dewling (#2704) was good enough to listen to my complaint. He was prepared with his paperwork to hear my complaint about a specific officer. After reading my letter, he realized that it wasn't a specific officer I was complaining about, but the "we" in the officer's comment, as you'll see in the letter I wrote to them.
Online bicycle registration redux
I Bike TO received this email from the Toronto Police regarding the new online registration system. Despite what she says below, if you don't have access to a computer you are probably going to the library to check your email which means you can still register your bike from there - still faster than printing off a form and bringing it your local police station.
On Tuesday September 25th, Chief William Blair announced the launch of the Toronto Police Service On-line Bicycle Registration System. Within less than 48 hours, over 100 bicycles were registered on-line.
Toronto Police "Safe Cycling" Campaign Results
Police Ticket Taxi in Bike Lane
This is a followup to last week's article.
Safe Cycling: Share The Responsibility
Yesterday, Toronto Police Services issued this Press Release:
Safe Cycling: Share the Responsibility
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