The Rolling Stop Law - A great video (Idaho)
Makes so much sense it would will never happen here.
Makes so much sense it would will never happen here.
Lovely weekend for a bike ride although a wee bit cold and windy. This scene caught my eye on Saturday. Nice to see.
The long awaited redesign plans of Queens Quay look good. It's all over the papers today and Spacing has a nice article for more information.
Big sigh of relief for cycling along the waterfront once it all gets done.
During a recent visit to the Bike Pirates Geoff showed me this old 1976 Bike Route Announcement. Amazing.
Friday is the Ontario Cycle Tourism Forum.
Justin Lafontaine last years iBikeTO Award, is the forum's director.
[img_assist|nid=2824|title=Bike Pirates win again!|desc=|link=node|align=none|width=500|height=333]
[img_assist|nid=2826|title=TCAT wins iBikeTO Award|desc=|link=node|align=none|width=500|height=333]
[img_assist|nid=2827|title=Albert Koehl wins iBikeTO Award|desc=|link=node|align=none|width=500|height=375]
Velo-City is widely respected as the premier international cycling planning conference series in the world.The Conference seeks to encourage cycling as a part of daily transport and recreation. Pretty close to what I like to see in a bike-friendly city.
Photo was taken on Christmas Day at Guildwood GO station. Looks like the staff at GO Transit decided to give cyclists a much appreciated present.
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