Downtown separated bike lanes plan: Minnan-Wong makes it his own

Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong, who only recently learned how to ride a bike through CAN-Bike, has sprung on the public a plan to build a small network of separated bike lane downtown.
Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong, who only recently learned how to ride a bike through CAN-Bike, has sprung on the public a plan to build a small network of separated bike lane downtown.
TCAT has surprised me with two reports announced at the same time, the Benchmarking Active Transportation in Canadian Cities report and the Building Better Cycling in Cities: Lessons for Toronto report.
I set up camp for a few minutes next to the new bike box at St. George and Harbord in order to get a sense of how people are using them. My conclusion: the bike boxes are not different enough from before to make them stand out to drivers and cyclists as bike-only places at red lights.
The cycling department at the City is putting some effort into educating the public on sharrows and how to use them. I recall this being a request put forward by some in the cycling community, that if we're going to have sharrows, we need to raise awareness of what they mean and how to use them.
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